Zouk Mikael – The monastery of the Annunciation Khazen for the Visitandine nuns

Monastery of the Annunciation, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

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دير سيّدة البشارة الخازن لراهبات الزيارة

Zouk Mkayel


Mount Lebanon

دير سيّدة البشارة الخازن لراهبات الزيارة - زوق مكايل سنة ١٨٢٥ بعد وفاة الشيخ بشارة جفال الخازن، كرَّس البطريرك يوسف حبيش حارته ديراً على اسم سيّدة البشارة. كان الدير أوّلاً خاصًا ببنات عائلة الخازن، اللواتي نظمن حياتهنّ بحسب قانون مار فرنسيس السالسيّ لراهبات الزيارة. مع مرور الزمن أصبح الدير يستقبل كافة البنات اللواتي يُردن اعتناق الحياة الديريّة التأمليّة المحصنة. وراهبات الزيارة ما زلن يحافظن على نمط حياةٍ تقليديّ بحسب قانونهنّ. كنيسة الدّير مسقوفة، تتميَز بخوروس الراهبات الموجود آخر الكنيسة وهو أعلى من مستواها، خلف مكان جلوس العوام، يعلوه متخّتين للراهبات العجائز. The monastery of the Annunciation Khazen for the Visitandine nuns - Zouk Mikael In 1825 after Sheikh Bchara Jaffal el Khazen passed away, Patriarch Youssef Hbeich converted his estate into a nunnery dedicated to our Lady of the Annunciation. The nuns where essentially from the Khazen family and adopted the rule of St Francis of Sales for the visitandine sisters while remaining maronites. With time the monastery began to accept girls from outside of the Khazen family who wanted a strict observance and a contemplative way of life that is still practiced today. The chapel of the monastery is roofed, it is distinguishable by it’s nuns choir at the end of the church, and three mezzanines used by older nuns to participate in the liturgy.

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كنيسة سيّدة النجاة القصيبة


Qsaibeh Baabda


Mount Lebanon

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Our Lady of Deliverance Church Qsaybeh
The church was consecrated on the feast of Assumption of Mary year 1883 with the efforts of Father Boutros Zeidan. Three main paintings are hung in the three apses. On the main apse, stands that of the Assumption of the Lady, painted by Dawoud El Qorm in year 1894, with the verse :"For whoever finds me finds life, and wins favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 8: 35) written below the virgin. On the side apses, one can find a painting that depicts Saint Maroun drawn by Habib Srour in 1923, and another one depicting Saint Peter, a work by Gerges Abdallah Abou Jaoudeh, year 1911.
What is remarkable is the presence of the Eye of Providence on the tabernacle, a symbol that was rarely used after the mid 19th century in Christian art for its relation with the Masonry.
The Church was renovated in the past century, and the Altar was reconsecrated on the feast of the Assumption of the Lady year 1974.

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